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A real-life business example of how we can’t predict the future but can be prepared for it is Netflix’s response to the rise of competition in the video streaming industry. In Netflix’s early years, the company had little to no competition in the online video streaming market. However, as technology improved, other competitors started to enter the market.

Instead of merely trying to keep pace with the competition, Netflix decided to prepare for a future where the competition would be even fiercer. They began producing their own original content, allowing them to diversify their offerings and not rely solely on licensed content from other companies. They also invested in technology to enhance the user experience and developed a subscription model that enabled them to better predict future revenue.

Thanks to these preparedness strategies, Netflix was able to maintain its leadership in the video streaming industry even as larger and better-funded competitors emerged. The lesson from this story is that while we can’t predict the future, we can be prepared for it. By having a long-term strategy and being willing to invest in new opportunities, we can prepare for any eventuality and stay one step ahead of the competition.


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  • Thinking, Fast and Slow. The story highlights the importance of thinking ahead and considering different possibilities, which is a key theme in this book. Available on Amazon.
  • The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. The story emphasizes the importance of being prepared for the unexpected, which is a central theme in this book. Available on Amazon.
  • The Lean Entrepreneur: How to Use Lean Principles to Create a Successful Startup. The story highlights the importance of being adaptable and prepared for different scenarios, which is a key element of the lean startup methodology. Available on Amazon.


“Brace yourself for whatever comes” in a business context is a call for resilience, preparation, and adaptability in the face of unexpected situations. Here’s how you can apply this advice and steps to take if you find that your business is not well-prepared for unexpected events:

1. Develop Resilience: Building resilience allows you to handle challenges and bounce back from setbacks. This can be achieved by maintaining a positive attitude, fostering strong relationships, and taking care of your physical and mental health.

2. Prepare for Different Scenarios: Scenario planning can help you prepare for a variety of possible future situations. This involves identifying potential scenarios, considering their likely impact on your business, and developing strategies to respond to them.

3. Stay Flexible and Adaptable: Business environments are constantly changing, and the ability to adapt quickly can give you a competitive edge. This might involve adjusting your business model, adopting new technologies, or exploring new markets.

4. Maintain Financial Stability: A strong financial foundation can help you weather economic downturns or unexpected expenses. This might involve maintaining a cash reserve, diversifying your income streams, or securing a line of credit.

If your business is not well-prepared for unexpected events, here are some steps to address this:

1. Recognize the Issue: The first step is acknowledging the problem. This recognition can provide the motivation you need to take action.

2. Work on Resilience: Develop strategies to foster resilience, both on an individual level and as an organization. This might involve providing mental health resources, building a supportive culture, or offering resilience training.

3. Implement Scenario Planning: If you haven’t already, start implementing scenario planning. This can help you prepare for a range of potential situations.

4. Promote Flexibility and Adaptability: Foster a culture that values flexibility and adaptability. Encourage your team to embrace change and to be open to new ideas and approaches.

5. Improve Financial Stability: Take steps to improve your financial stability. This might involve building a cash reserve, seeking additional funding, or exploring new revenue opportunities.

Remember, in business, as in life, the only constant is change. By bracing yourself for whatever comes, you can navigate challenges more effectively and seize new opportunities as they arise.

Test yourself

We want to test your knowledge about “Brace yourself for whatever comes”. Participate and find out how much you know!

1. What is the first step a business should take to prepare for a crisis?


2. What is one key component of financial resilience in crisis preparation?


3. Why might a business need to secure access to extra cash as part of crisis preparation?


4. What is the purpose of creating a crisis handbook?


5. Why should a business revisit its digital and marketing plan when preparing for a crisis?


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