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In the 2000s, Domino’s Pizza was facing a tough situation. Many customers were complaining about the quality of their pizza, and competition was on the rise. The company knew it had to do something to improve its reputation and remain competitive in the market.

In 2009, the company brought in Patrick Doyle as the new CEO, who decided to make some radical changes. Instead of continuing with the same old ingredients and recipes, the company opted to create an entirely new pizza recipe from scratch, using fresh and natural ingredients.

The company launched an advertising campaign to announce the change and allowed customers to taste the new pizza before its official release. This marketing strategy enabled the company to receive direct feedback from customers and adjust their new recipe accordingly.

The result was a huge success: Domino’s sales increased significantly, and the company regained its reputation as a provider of high-quality pizzas. Doyle also implemented other changes within the company, such as improving customer service and expanding into new markets, which helped to solidify the company’s long-term success.

In summary, the story of Domino’s Pizza illustrates how innovation and change can be crucial for a company facing problems and challenges in the market. By being able to listen to customers and adapt to their needs, the company managed to overcome the difficult situation it was in and reclaim its position in the market.


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  • Thinking, Fast and Slow. Questioning what you know and making better decisions Available on Amazon.
  • The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Questioning what you know and being flexible and adaptable Available on Amazon.
  • Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World. Questioning what you know and thinking differently Available on Amazon.


“Challenge your beliefs” in a business context is about fostering a mindset of continuous learning and growth. It involves questioning your assumptions and being open to new ideas and perspectives. Here’s how you can apply this advice and steps to take if you find that your business is hindered by rigid or outdated beliefs:

1. Foster a Growth Mindset: Embrace the idea that skills and abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This view creates a love of learning and resilience, which are essential for great accomplishment.

2. Stay Open to New Ideas: Encourage innovation and creativity within your team. Create a safe space for your employees to express their ideas, even if they challenge the status quo.

3. Seek Out Different Perspectives: Engage with people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and views. They can provide fresh insights and challenge your preconceived notions.

4. Question Your Assumptions: Regularly reassess your business strategies and processes. What worked in the past might not work in the future. 

5. Continual Learning: Stay updated with the latest trends and changes in your industry. This can help you adapt and evolve your business strategies effectively.

If you find that your business is hindered by rigid or outdated beliefs, here are some steps to address this:

1. Recognize the Problem: The first step is acknowledging the issue. This recognition is the first step towards making a change.

2. Promote a Culture of Openness and Learning: Foster an environment where people feel safe to express their ideas and ask questions. Encourage continual learning and development.

3. Challenge Your Own Beliefs: Model the behavior you want to see in your team. Show that you’re open to new ideas and willing to question your own assumptions.

4. Provide Training and Development Opportunities: Offer opportunities for your team to learn and grow. This could include training programs, workshops, or resources for self-directed learning.

5. Seek External Perspectives: Consider bringing in outside perspectives, such as consultants or advisors, to challenge your thinking and provide fresh insights.

Remember, challenging your beliefs isn’t about doubting your abilities or devaluing your experiences. It’s about staying open, curious, and adaptable in a rapidly changing business environment.

Test yourself

We want to test your knowledge about “Challenge your beliefs”. Participate and find out how much you know!

1. Why is it important to challenge your beliefs in a business context?


2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of challenging your beliefs?


3. How can you effectively challenge your beliefs in a business context?


4. What potential outcome can result from challenging your beliefs in business?


5. What is the first step in challenging your beliefs?


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