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The development of the Tesla Model S was a defining moment in the history of electric vehicles. It was a revolutionary product that set a new standard for high-performance electric cars. However, creating the Model S was not an easy task. The Tesla team faced numerous design and technical challenges that required careful evaluation of every feature and component of the car.

From the outset, Tesla recognized that the Model S was not just another car, but a highly ambitious project that would require a different approach. They knew that in order to succeed, they needed to be highly disciplined and focused on the core features of the car. This meant that every additional feature or technology had to be carefully evaluated to ensure that it would not compromise the car’s performance.

The Tesla team realized that the key to success was to focus on the basics and fundamentals of the car. They understood that adding too many features or technologies could distract from the car’s core functionality, and negatively impact its performance. Therefore, they prioritized the essential features and worked tirelessly to ensure they were working effectively before adding any additional features.

Through their disciplined approach, Tesla was able to create a highly successful, high-performance electric car that exceeded expectations in the marketplace. The Model S was a testament to the power of careful evaluation and prioritization of core features.

The development strategy of the Model S serves as an excellent example of how careful evaluation and prioritization of basic features are crucial to achieving success in any project. By focusing on what is essential and avoiding distractions, businesses can develop products that meet the needs of their customers and achieve long-term success. In a rapidly changing marketplace, it is essential for businesses to adopt a disciplined approach to product development to stay ahead of the competition.


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  • The Lean Product Playbook: How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback. Focus on basic functions and building successful products. Available on Amazon.
  • The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win. IT project management and applying DevOps principles to improve efficiency. Available on Amazon.
  • Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. Focusing on the essential and eliminating distractions. Available on Amazon.


“It works or it’s nothing” is a principle that emphasizes the importance of delivering functional and effective solutions in a business environment. In the competitive world of business, companies that consistently deliver results are the ones that thrive. Here is some advice on the importance of this principle and how to address any problems that may arise due to it:

1. Focus on customer needs: Understand your customers’ needs and expectations, and prioritize solutions that directly address these requirements. Always strive to deliver products or services that work as intended and add value to your customers’ lives.

2. Encourage a results-oriented culture: Foster a work environment that emphasizes the importance of delivering tangible results. Set clear performance expectations, recognize and reward employees who consistently deliver, and address performance issues promptly.

3. Continuous improvement: Regularly review and assess your business processes, products, and services to ensure they are working effectively. Identify areas of improvement and make the necessary adjustments to enhance your offerings and overall efficiency.

4. Adaptability: Stay flexible and be prepared to pivot when needed. If a product or service is not working as intended, be open to making changes or exploring alternative solutions.

5. Encourage open communication: Create a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns and ideas. This will help you identify potential issues early on and work collaboratively to find solutions.

If a problem arises due to the “It works or it’s nothing” principle:

1. Analyze the issue: Identify the root cause of the problem, whether it’s related to product design, customer needs, or internal processes.

2. Develop a plan: Once the problem is understood, develop a plan to address it. This may involve adjusting your product or service, revising internal processes, or exploring new solutions.

3. Communicate with stakeholders: Keep all relevant parties informed about the issue and the steps you’re taking to resolve it. This includes employees, customers, and investors.

4. Implement changes: Execute the plan and monitor its progress. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed, and don’t be afraid to abandon an approach if it’s not working.

5. Learn from the experience: Reflect on the issue and the steps taken to resolve it, and use this knowledge to improve your processes and decision-making moving forward.

By focusing on delivering results and maintaining open communication, you can effectively address any problems that arise from the “It works or it’s nothing” principle while still ensuring that your business is meeting the needs of its customers.


We want to test your knowledge about “Focus on the Fundamentals”. Participate and find out how much you know!

1. What does the phrase “It works or it’s nothing” imply in a business context?


2.  In which stage of the product development process is the concept “It works or it’s nothing” most crucial?


3. How does the “It works or it’s nothing” philosophy influence a company’s approach to quality control?


4. When applying the “It works or it’s nothing” mindset, which of the following is likely to be considered most important for product success?


5. Which business strategy best aligns with the “It works or it’s nothing” approach?


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