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In the competitive smartphone market, companies are always looking for ways to differentiate themselves and provide innovative features to attract customers. However, sometimes adding features that seem appealing on paper can backfire, as seen with Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7.

The high-capacity battery of the Galaxy Note 7 promised an extended battery life, a common pain point for smartphone users. However, the feature became a significant liability when reports of batteries catching fire and exploding started to emerge. The issue quickly spiraled out of control, with airlines banning the device, and Samsung recalling all Galaxy Note 7s, resulting in a significant financial loss for the company.

In hindsight, the Galaxy Note 7’s high-capacity battery was an expensive and unnecessary feature that did not add real value to customers. Most users did not require such an extended battery life and would instead prefer a reliable and safe phone. As a result, Samsung’s decision to focus on this feature proved to be detrimental to the company’s reputation and the customer experience.

This incident highlights the importance of considering the true value of a feature before incorporating it into a product. It is essential to understand customers’ needs and preferences and ensure that the feature adds real value to their experience. By doing so, companies can avoid costly mistakes that harm their brand and reputation. In conclusion, the Galaxy Note 7 serves as a valuable lesson for businesses that adding features just for the sake of differentiation can backfire and cause more harm than good.


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  • The Lean Product Playbook. The book provides guidance on how to build products that are useful and provide real value to customers. Available on Amazon.
  • The Design of Everyday Things. The book provides insights into how to design products that are useful and provide real value to users. Available on Amazon.
  • The Lean Startup. The book provides guidance on how to build products that are useful and provide real value to customers. Available on Amazon.


Utility creates worth in the business environment because it is what customers are willing to pay for. If a product or service does not provide any utility, then customers will not be willing to pay for it. Therefore, businesses need to focus on creating products and services that are useful and valuable to their customers.

There are a number of ways to create utility in the business environment. One way is to develop new products and services that meet the needs of customers. Another way is to improve the quality of existing products and services. Businesses can also create utility by providing excellent customer service.

If a business is not creating enough utility, then it will likely have problems attracting and retaining customers. In some cases, the business may even be forced to close its doors. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to focus on creating utility in order to be successful.

Here are some tips for creating utility in the business environment:

  • Understand your customers’ needs. What are your customers looking for in a product or service? What are their pain points? Once you understand your customers’ needs, you can develop products and services that meet those needs.
  • Focus on quality. Don’t just focus on creating a product or service that is good enough. Make sure that your products and services are of the highest quality.
  • Provide excellent customer service. Customers want to feel valued and appreciated. Make sure that your employees are friendly and helpful, and that they go the extra mile to resolve any issues that customers may have.

By following these tips, you can create more utility in your business and attract more customers.

Here are some additional tips for solving problems that may arise from a lack of utility:

  • Talk to your customers. Find out what they are not happy with and what they would like to see changed.
  • Conduct market research. See what your competitors are doing and what is working for them.
  • Get feedback from your employees. They may have ideas on how to improve the product or service.
  • Be willing to make changes. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.

By taking these steps, you can solve problems that may arise from a lack of utility and improve your business.


We want to test your knowledge about “The Worth of Being Useful”. Participate and find out how much you know!

1. What does the phrase “Utility creates worth” mean in the context of business?


2. Which factor is crucial for a product to have utility and create worth?


3. How can a company increase the utility of its product or service?


4. Why is understanding customer needs essential in creating utility and worth?


5. Which of the following is an example of a product with high utility?


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